During my first week I met a girl named Ashley and ever since we met, we have not been separated and we started dating five days after meeting each other. We spent countless hours walking on the beach, which is our favorite place to be.
(Weekly Reflection 1)
This week was much different from week one because it was the first week where we had classes every day. We had Monday off but after that, it was pretty normal. I got a real feel for what college life really is, more than what I got from orientation week
(Weekly Reflection 2)
This week was a very interesting week considering it started off with Halloween Weekend. Halloween Weekend was a very fun and interesting time. Almost everybody on my floor in my dorm was planning on attending the same costume party. Everybody went out to Spirit Halloween to buy their costume but I wanted to be creative and make my own costume out of the materials I had. I grabbed a pair of blue jeans, a solid black t-shirt, a silver chain, and a silver wrist watch, and white nike sneakers. I tucked my shirt into my jeans. My costume was Patrick Swayze. This was the first time in years that I had dressed up in a costume and it made me feel like a little kid again. My girlfriend, Ashley wore an outfit that made her appear as if she was from the 1950’s. When we got to the party, my phone started ringing and it was my old friend group from highschool calling me. They all drove up to Maine and came to the party with us. It was a good time. After the party we were walking back to our dorm. I noticed that I had to use the bathroom so I figured I would go into the woods for it. As I was walking in there was a pricker bush that I was crossing through. Suddenly I dropped about four to five feet and landed in water up to my chest. My skin was all ripped up from the bush and the frigid water did not feel great either
(Weekly Reflection 9)
This week I needed an oil change for my car, so on Tuesday night after classes, I went to Walmart and bought the oil and the oil filter for my car. I have a small rachet and socket set in my car, so I grabbed that, put my car on the jack, then went to take the drain bolt out. I realized that I did not have the right size socket, so I decided to wait until Wednesday to go to Home Depot and buy the socket. When I went the next day, I bought 3 different sizes and I was sure I had the right size. When I went back to change the oil, none of the sockets fit. I went back to Home Depot and googled what size socket fits my car’s drain bolt. The Ford website said the size was 14mm. I bought a 14mm and once again tried to change my oil. As you can probably guess it did not fit and was one size too small because the website was wrong. I went back to Home Depot on Thursday to buy a 15mm. The 15mm fit perfectly.
(Weekly Reflection 10)